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Seventh International Symposium on Sino-US Comparative Literature held

writer:   Release time:2016-07-22 10:26:19  Browsing number:

July 2 am, hosted by China, Sichuan University and Pennsylvania State University · Sichuan University conference bear the "Seventh International Symposium on Sino-US Comparative Literature" was held in Chengdu Jing Chuan Museum. Nearly 300 scholars from Pennsylvania State University, University of Washington, Duke University, University of Arizona, University of Leuven, Belgium, Hong Kong University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Nanjing University, and other units to participate in the academic meeting.
Chengdu Vice Mayor Fu Yonglin, vice president of Sichuan University by Professor Shi Yan, president of China Comparative Literature Association, Distinguished Professor, Chinese Chairman of Sichuan University Shunqing meeting, Professor Pennsylvania State University, USA, "Comparative Literature Studies" editor, meeting the President of the United States Thomas Beebe attended the opening ceremony.

Vice president of Sichuan University, Sichuan University, Yan Shi welcomed by representatives of the attendees and wished the seminar a success. By Yan Shi, Vice President affirmed the role played by the Comparative Literature at promoting exchanges among peoples of different cultures, and the construction of Sichuan University introduced the related disciplines, focuses on the development of Sichuan University Comparative Literature. Yan Shi emphasized by the Vice President, Sichuan University, China and the world as a study of comparative literature, international exchanges, personnel training an important position, the seminar was held in Sichuan Province, will help promote the construction of Sichuan University class disciplines, especially humanities and social and other related disciplines the field of development, help to further enhance the soft power of Chinese culture, which will help further promote the communication between the Chinese and American peoples and promote American civilizations to prosper.
Chengdu Vice Mayor Fu Yonglin Chengdu in his speech on behalf of the participating experts and scholars from various countries around the warm welcome, he noted, Chengdu is a city with a long history and rich culture of the city, along with international development, becoming in Chengdu Western cultural gathering place, will be able to provide a supportive and the driving force for the development of China Comparative Literature.
President of the Chinese Comparative Literature Association, Distinguished Professor, Chinese Chairman of Sichuan University Shunqing meeting in his speech said that this meeting is a relatively long-awaited literary world class academic feast, is the top masters in the field of inter-civilization dialogue and confrontation of ideas, depth understanding of comparative literature academic frontier good opportunity to convene the meeting will add another history College of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University chapter.
Pennsylvania State University professor, editor, chairman of the US Conference "Comparative Literary Studies" Thomas Beebe on behalf of the organizers of the American Comparative Literature Chinese express sincere respect, he said the two exchanges a long history of comparative literature. Hope experts and scholars of comparative literature in this meeting as an opportunity to promote exchanges and dialogue in the Western Comparative Literature.
It is reported that bilateral comparative literature History International Symposium on a long, far-reaching. The first meeting was chaired by Professor Qian Zhongshu and the United States • Earl Miner chaired held in Beijing in 1983; the second session hosted by Princeton University. So far it has been held in China and the United States several times, revival of Chinese Comparative Literature and Chinese and foreign academic exchanges played an important role in promoting. Comparison of Chinese and American literary scholars have been committed to dialogue, exchange and cooperation. Sessions successfully inherited the tradition of the two sides Comparative Literature equal dialogue on the subject and to explore areas for a deep, wide, strong expansion, to a certain extent, beneficial to the development of Sino-US Comparative Literature.
The seminar is divided into keynote speeches and round-table forum in two ways, experts and scholars will focus on "Cross-Cultural Context of Comparative Literature" the theme of cutting-edge research on comparative literature, world literature and comparative literature, Comparative Literature and Literary translation, literature and other subjects and other issues in-depth detailed presentations and discussions.

Will be held during the meeting of the National Workshop on advanced comparative literature young teachers, more than 200 young scholars from across the country will participate in comparative literature seminars, listening Scholar.

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